Welcome to the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer¬ installer. A full installation will provide you with the DropStuff application, the Expander Enhancer (StuffIt Engine¬), and associated files.
What is DropStuff with Expander Enhancer?
DropStuff with Expander Enhancer consists of two components, the program DropStuff¬, and the StuffIt Engine¬, (which we call the ╥Expander Enhancer╙).
DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is designed to meet four needs:
(1) Creating StuffIt archives quickly and efficiently.
Using DropStuff, you can create StuffIt archives by simply dragging & dropping your files and folders onto the DropStuff icon. DropStuff compresses a copy of the information into a StuffIt archive, and puts the archive into the same window that you dragged from, using the name of the file or folder as the name of the archive.
(2) To enhance StuffIt Expander, so it can expand more formats.
If you have installed our program StuffIt Expander, the ╥StuffIt Engine╙ gives it the ability to expand just about any file format you might encounter. This includes formats from Macintosh, Unix, and IBM-PCs and compatibles machines like AppleLink Package (.pkg), ARC (.arc), gzip (.gz), TAR (.tar), Unix Compress (.Z), UUcode (.uu), and ZIP (.zip). StuffIt Expander will also be able to expand StuffIt SpaceSaver files, and join StuffIt segmented files.
(3) Accelerate DropStuff and StuffIt Expander on a Power Macintosh.
The StuffIt Engine accelerates the operations of DropStuff and StuffIt Expander, if you are running on a machine that is powered by a PowerPC CPU, such as a Power Macintosh. For example, you can expand a StuffIt archive up to 5 times more quickly on a 6100/60 than on a IIci.
(4) Enhance Third-party products that use The StuffIt Engine.
There are many programs, written by other companies, that will take advantage of the StuffIt Engine, if it is present. Once you have installed DropStuff with Expander Enhancer, these products can Stuff and Expand files! For a partial listing of these companies and their programs (there are more every week!), see the ╥Vendors who support StuffIt╙ document located in the ╥Read Us First!╙ folder.
Please follow these steps to ensure a successful installation of the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer package.
1. Restart your Macintosh with Extensions off.
Installation problems can usually be avoided by installing with Extensions off. If you are using System 7.x, simply hold down the Shift key while restarting your Macintosh. At the ╥Welcome to Macintosh╙ screen, you should see the ╥Extensions off╙ message, at which time you can release the Shift key. Under System 6, there is no built-in feature to disable extensions, and we recommend using an extensions or INIT manager to do this.
2. Make a backup copy of the DropStuff w/EE¬ 4.0 Installer.
We suggest that you copy the installer onto a floppy disk, lock the disk, and install from the copy. Store the original installer disk in a safe place, away from dust and magnets.
3. You can print the text you are now reading by clicking the Print button below.
You can also save a copy of this text to your hard drive by clicking the Save button.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click Install.
Installation of StuffIt Expander will proceed until done.
Register Your Shareware
DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is Shareware. You may use it and pay nothing for up to 15 days. After 15 days, you must register your shareware by sending Aladdin Systems a $30 registration fee. Registration entitles you to technical support, great deals on Aladdin╒s commercial products like SITcomm¬, StuffIt Deluxe¬, CyberFinder¬, and Aladdin Desktop Tools¬, plus much more. We encourage you to give the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer Installer to every Macintosh user you know. Please be sure to give them the Installer, and not the individual parts that are installed.
ATTENTION: Registered owners of DropStuff with Expander Enhancer
If you currently own a registered version of DropStuff with Expander Enhancer and you paid a shareware registration fee, you MUST have your registration number in front of you BEFORE completing this installation. If your DropStuff with Expander Enhancer was automatically registered because you own StuffIt Deluxe, SpaceSaver, or SITcomm, you do not need to complete these steps (you will again be automatically registered).
To find your DropStuff registration number, complete the following steps BEFORE installing this upgrade.
1. Quit this Installer by clicking ╥Cancel╙.
2. Find your old copy of DropStuff and launch it by double-clicking.
3. Choose ╥About DropStuff╙ from the Apple menu.
4. Write down your registration number (located in the lower left corner).
5. Quit DropStuff.
6. Run this Installer again and complete the installation process.
7. Locate your new copy of DropStuff and launch it by double-clicking.
8. When the registration dialog appears enter your registration number and click ╥Register╙.
If you have already deleted your old DropStuff with Expander Enhancer, you╒ll need to contact Aladdin Systems╒ Customer Service Department to get your registration number (scroll to the bottom of this installation text for contact information).
A Message to Owners of other Aladdin Products
Registered owners of Aladdin╒s commercial products including StuffIt Deluxe (version 3.0.7 or later), StuffIt SpaceSaver, and SITcomm, are automatically registered when DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is installed. In other words, for those of you who already own one of those Aladdin products, there╒s no need to send Aladdin a shareware registration fee.
The PictoGuide¬ document is the user╒s guide for the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer package. Using icons, it explains the fundamentals of using DropStuff, how to register your shareware, and more.
╥Read Us First!╙ Folder
After the software is installed, please read the License Agreement, in the ╥Read Us First!╙ folder on your hard disk. You should not run the software until you have read the agreement. By running the software, you signify that you agree to the terms of the License Agreement.
Then, refer to the DropStuff Read Me file in the ╥Read Us First!╙ folder. This file contains additional information which will aid your understanding of the product.
What is StuffIt Expander?
StuffIt Expander is a separate product designed to expand the common compression and encoding file formats. If you are not using StuffIt Expander we recommend that you get a copy today. If this installer is unable to find a copy of StuffIt Expander on your system, it will notify you.
We at Aladdin Systems would like to thank you for using our product and for your continued support.
How to Contact Us
If you would like information about our other award-winning products (like StuffIt Deluxe, CyberFinder, Aladdin Desktop Tools, or SITcomm), just ask us. For the quickest way to learn more about Aladdin╒s products, visit our Web site listed below.
Aladdin Systems, Inc.
165 Westridge Drive
Watsonville CA 95076
Telehone: 408/761-6200
FAX: 408/761-6206
World-Wide Web: http://www.aladdinsys.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.aladdinsys.com
America Online: ALADDIN
CompuServe: 75300,1666
Internet: cust.service@aladdinsys.com (Customer Service & Sales)
tech.assist@aladdinsys.com (Technical Assistance)
marketing@aladdinsys.com (Marketing)
We will be able to respond to your message sooner if you include an informative SUBJECT header
(such as ╥DropStuff Tech Support╙ or ╥Where do I download Expander?╙). Thanks.
Try Our Infobot!
You can also receive information immediately on any of our products by using our automatic e-mail system. Just send e-mail to us at info@aladdinsys.com. Make sure to include the appropriate SUBJECT header for the information you want. Leave the BODY text areas of the email message empty. (For a complete list of topics and email subject headers, send mail to the infobot with subject header of index.) An e-mail message will be automatically returned to you with the information you requested. Cool, huh?
Special Note to Developers, Product Managers, and Network Administrators
This installer was created in about an hour using StuffIt InstallerMaker¬. StuffIt InstallerMaker provides many advanced features while being very easy to use. By using InstallerMaker for this installer, we not only saved a distribution disk due to Aladdin╒s advanced compression technology, but also provided our users a way to easily customize installation. If you are interested in making installation easier for your users while saving distribution costs due to the need for fewer disks, contact our licensing department at:
Aladdin Systems, Inc.
Installer Licensing
165 Westridge Dr.
Watsonville, CA 95076
Telephone: (408) 761-6200
FAX: (408) 761-6206
America Online: ALADDIN
CompuServe: 75300,1666
Internet: dev.sales@aladdinsys.com
Copyright ⌐ 1996 Aladdin Systems, Inc. All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.